NZMSC 2018 meeting: call for papers

Wyndham Lewis, Workshop, c.1914–5

We are pleased to announce that this year’s New Zealand Modernist Studies Consortium meeting will be held at the University of Auckland on Friday, 24 August. We are delighted to welcome to this session Tyrus Miller (UC-Irvine), who will be presenting a new piece titled “Architects! Where is Your Vortex?: Wyndham Lewis, Architecture, and the Aesthetics of Power” for the group to review.

We’re also seeking other presenters. We offer two forms of presentation. First, we seek draft papers, chapters, and book proposals for circulation in advance and discussion in our workshop sessions. Secondly, we also seek proposals for papers to be presented orally in a seminar session at the beginning of the day. Papers should not exceed fifteen double-spaced pages, or fifteen minutes if delivered orally.

If you would like to workshop a piece of your own work-in-progress at this session, please contact one of the co-organizers as soon as possible and no later than 1 August.

If you would like to present a paper in our seminar session, please send an abstract of no more than 250 words to the seminar organizers by 1 August.

Even if you choose not to present work, you are more than welcome to attend the symposium. The NZMSC is open to academics and independent scholars working on any aspect of modernism, broadly defined. To register for the symposium, contact one of the co-organizers: Jacob Edmond ( or Erin Carlston (

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