September 2017 NZMSC Symposium at the University of Otago

From The Wake for Thor, Great Dane, poem by John Caselberg, painting by Colin McCahon. Part of the Hocken Pictorial Collections at the University of Otago (source:
We are delighted to announce the New Zealand Modernist Studies Consortium’s First International Symposium:
University of Otago, Dunedin
Friday 8 September 2017
9:30am to 4pm
With guest participant Rita Felski, William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of English, University of Virginia, Editor of New Literary History, Niels Bohr Professor, University of Southern Denmark
The New Zealand Modernist Studies Consortium is a network designed to bring together New Zealand scholars of modernist literature, arts, and culture to share work and ideas. We take a broad view of modernism as encompassing the innovations in literature, the arts, and culture that characterized the late nineteenth and first half of the twentieth century, and the extension of these innovations in the art and culture of the latter half of the twentieth century and the first decades of the twenty-first.
Our goal is to encourage research and publication in the burgeoning field of Modernist Studies and to provide a forum for interdisciplinary and collaborative efforts across the different New Zealand university campuses. To this end, the NZMSC has been running biannual sessions focused on workshopping writing in progress.
To celebrate our second anniversary, we are holding our first international symposium at the University of Otago in Dunedin on Friday 8 September. For the symposium, we offer two forms of presentation. Firstly, as in our previous meetings, we seek draft papers, chapters, and book proposals for circulation in advance and discussion in our workshop sessions. Secondly, we also seek proposals for papers to be presented orally in our seminar session.
If you would like to workshop a piece of your own work-in-progress at this session, please contact one of the co-organizers as soon as possible and no later than 1 August.
If you would like to present a paper in our seminar session, please send an abstract of no more than 250 words to the seminar organizers by 1 August.
Even if you choose not to present work, you are more than welcome to attend the symposium. The NZMSC is open to academics, independent scholars, and postgraduate students working on any aspect of modernism, broadly defined. To register for the symposium, please fill out the form here or contact one of the co-organizers.
Participation in the NZMSC symposium is free of charge. Out-of-town participants will be expected to cover their own costs of travel and accommodation. If you are traveling from out of town, please note that Professor Felski will also present the annual Dalziel Lecture in Dunedin at 5:30pm on Thursday, 7 September.
Jacob Edmond
Department of English and Linguistics
University of Otago
Erin G. Carlston
English, Writing Studies, and Drama
University of Auckland
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